Design and build secure, reliable, and scalable AWS-based applications.

In this course, you learn how to use the AWS SDK to develop secure and scalable cloud applications using multiple AWS services such as Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Storage Service, and AWS Lambda. You explore how to interact with AWS using code and learn about key concepts, best practices, and troubleshooting tips.

Who should take this course

Intermediate software developers


Day 1

Module 0: Course Overview

Student resources
Module 1: Introduction to AWS

Introduction to the AWS Cloud
Cloud scenarios
Infrastructure overview
Introduction to AWS foundation services
Module 2: Introduction to Developing on AWS

Getting started with developing on AWS
Introduction to developer tools
Introduction to management tools
Module 3: Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management

Shared responsibility model
Introduction to IAM
Use authentication and authorization
Module 4: Introduction to the Lab Environment

Introduction to the lab environment
Lab 1: Getting started and working with IAM
Module 5: Developing Storage Solutions with Amazon Simple Storage Service

Overview of AWS storage options
Amazon S3 key concepts
Best practices
Scenario: Building a complete application
Lab 2: Developing storage solutions with Amazon S3
Day 2

Module 6: Developing Flexible NoSQL Solutions with Amazon DynamoDB

Introduction to AWS database options
Introduction to Amazon DynamoDB
Developing with DynamoDB
Best practices
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 3: Developing flexible NoSQL solutions with Amazon DynamoDB
Module 7: Developing Event-Driven Solutions with AWS Lambda

What is serverless computing?
Introduction to AWS Lambda
Key concepts
How Lambda works
Use cases
Best practices
Scenario: Build an end-to-end app
Module 8: Developing Solutions with Amazon API Gateway

Introduction to Amazon API Gateway
Developing with API Gateway
Best practices
Introduction to AWS Serverless Application Model
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 4: Developing event-driven solutions with AWS Lambda
Module 9: Developing Solutions with AWS Step Functions

Understanding the need for Step Functions
Introduction to AWS Step Functions
Use cases
Day 3

Module 10: Developing Solutions with Amazon Simple Queue Service and Amazon Simple Notification Service

 Why use a queueing service?

 Developing with Amazon Simple Queue Service

Developing with Amazon Simple Notification Service
Developing with Amazon MQ
Lab 5: Developing messaging solutions with Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS
Module 11: Caching Information with Amazon ElastiCache

Caching overview
Caching with Amazon ElastiCache
Caching strategies
Module 12: Developing Secure Applications

Securing your applications
Authenticating your applications to AWS
Authenticating your customers
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Module 13: Deploying Applications

Introduction to DevOps
Introduction to deployment and testing strategies
Deploying applications with AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Scenario: Building an end-to-end app
Lab 6: Building an end-to-end app
Module 14: Course wrap-up

Course overview
AWS training courses





We recommend that attendees of this course have: In-depth knowledge of at least one high-level programming language Working knowledge of core AWS services and public cloud implementation AWS Technical Essentials

Course Details

What You Will Learn
Set up the AWS SDK and developer credentials for Java, C#/.NET, Python, and JavaScript
Interact with AWS services and develop solutions by using the AWS SDK
Use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for service authentication
Use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) and Amazon DynamoDB as data stores
Integrate applications and data by using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS), Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), and AWS Step Functions
Use Amazon Cognito for user authentication
Use Amazon ElastiCache to improve application scalability
Leverage the CI/CD pipeline to deploy applications on AWS