Training Courses

CELPIP General Exam Preparation

Instructor : Ms Nelly Botros


Embark on a transformative language learning journey with our Comprehensive CELPIP Preparation Course designed to elevate your proficiency in all four key language skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Tailored to meet the specific requirements of the CELPIP exam, this course is your gateway to success in proving your English language proficiency for immigration or professional purposes.

Reading Skills Enhancement:
Unlock the secrets to efficient reading comprehension strategies. Our experienced instructors will guide you through various text types and help you develop essential skills such as skimming, scanning, and summarizing. Dive into challenging passages and master the art of extracting information accurately within the given time constraints.

Writing Skills Mastery:
Crafting well-structured and articulate written responses is crucial for success in the CELPIP exam. Our writing module focuses on honing your abilities to organize ideas, construct coherent paragraphs, and express yourself effectively. Receive personalized feedback on your writing tasks to pinpoint areas for improvement and refine your overall writing proficiency.

Listening Skills Refinement:
Immerse yourself in authentic audio materials to sharpen your listening skills. Our course will expose you to a variety of accents and speaking styles, preparing you for the diverse range of voices encountered in the CELPIP test. Learn to grasp main ideas, identify details, and respond appropriately to questions, ensuring you excel in the listening component of the exam.

Speaking Skills Development:
Become a confident and articulate communicator through our intensive speaking skills development sessions. Engage in interactive exercises, role-plays, and simulated speaking tasks that mirror the CELPIP exam format. Receive constructive feedback from experienced instructors to enhance your pronunciation, fluency, and overall spoken English proficiency.

Key Features:

Expert instructors with extensive experience in CELPIP preparation.
Comprehensive study materials and resources tailored to the CELPIP exam.
Mock tests and practice sessions to simulate real exam conditions.
Small class sizes to ensure personalized attention and feedback.
Flexible schedules to accommodate various learning preferences.


Course Title: Online CELPIP Exam Prep Program

Duration: 7 sessions, totaling 14 hours

Delivery Format: Instructor-led online sessions

Instructor: Ms. Nelly Botros (B.A, TESL, OCELT, PBLA, IL, IELTS, CELPIP, SSW, LINC, and ESL Instructor)

Collaboration: In collaboration with Paragon Testing Enterprises

Course Overview:

This intensive 7-session, 14-hour online CELPIP Exam Prep program, delivered by experienced instructor Ms. Nelly Botros, is designed to equip participants with the essential skills needed to excel in the CELPIP exam. The course comprehensively covers all four English language skills – Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking.

Workshop Highlights:

1. Reading Skills Enhancement:
2. Writing Skills Enhancement.
3. Listening Skills Enhancement.
4. Speaking Skills Enhancement.
the Comprehensive CELPIP Preparation Course, highlighting the key topics and skills covered in each module for the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Module 1: Reading Skills Enhancement
– Understanding CELPIP Reading Format
– Effective Skimming and Scanning Techniques
– Strategies for Dealing with Different Text Types (e.g., articles, reports)
– Vocabulary Expansion and Contextual Understanding
– Practice Exercises with Varied Reading Passages
– Time Management Tips for Reading Section

Module 2: Writing Skills Mastery
– Overview of CELPIP Writing Tasks (e.g., Email, Responding to Survey Questions)
– Structuring Coherent Paragraphs
– Developing Clear and Concise Sentences
– Grammar and Punctuation Review
– Vocabulary Building for Written Expression
– Peer Review and Instructor Feedback on Writing Tasks
– Time Management Strategies for Writing Section

Module 3: Listening Skills Refinement
– Understanding CELPIP Listening Format
– Differentiating Between Main Ideas and Supporting Details
– Identifying Key Information in Conversations and Dialogues
– Exposure to Various Accents and Speaking Styles
– Strategies for Taking Effective Notes
– Practice with Listening Tasks and Simulated Exam Conditions
– Time Management Techniques for Listening Section

Module 4: Speaking Skills Development
– Overview of CELPIP Speaking Tasks (e.g., Giving Advice, Describing a Scene)
– Pronunciation and Intonation Improvement
– Fluency and Coherence in Spoken Responses
– Vocabulary Enrichment for Speaking
– Interactive Exercises, Role-plays, and Simulated Speaking Tasks
– Peer and Instructor Feedback on Speaking Proficiency
– Time Management Strategies for Speaking Section

Additional Features:
– Full-Length Mock Tests covering all four language skills
– Review and Analysis of Mock Test Performance
– Individualized Feedback and Consultation Sessions
– Tips and Strategies for Test Day Preparation
– Access to Supplementary Materials and Resources
– Small Group Workshops for Interactive Learning
Awareness and accomplished attendance
This Comprehensive CELPIP Preparation Course is ideal for individuals who are planning to take the CELPIP exam for immigration or professional purposes. The course is suitable for:

Immigration Candidates:
Individuals applying for permanent residency or citizenship in Canada who need to prove their English language proficiency through the CELPIP exam.

Professional Migrants:
Foreign professionals seeking employment opportunities in Canada who are required to demonstrate English language proficiency as part of their job application process.

Students and Graduates:
International students or recent graduates who are planning to study or work in Canada and need to meet English language proficiency requirements.

Employment Seekers:
Job seekers who require proof of English language proficiency for specific job applications or professional licensing in Canada.

Language Learners:
Individuals looking to enhance their English language skills in all four areas – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – with a focus on meeting the specific requirements of the CELPIP exam.

Those Seeking Overall Language Improvement:
Individuals who wish to improve their English language skills for personal or professional development, even if they are not immediately planning to take the CELPIP exam.