Training Courses



Learn how to use Microsoft Word.

After taking this course, you will be able to create, format and edit basic documents, and do basic functions like printing and spell checking.

Instruction will be personalized by version. Students have the option to progress through the course using Microsoft Word 2013- Level 1, or Microsoft Word 2016- Level 1.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to accomplish the following:

  • WORD Basics

  • Explore the User Interface

  • Format Text and Paragraphs

  • Editing

  • Printing and Viewing your Document

  • Customize


  • Create, Open and Save Documents

  • What is Word?

  • Create a New Blank Document

  • Create a Document From a Template

  • Open Word Files

  • Get Help

  • Save Documents

  • Navigate a Word Document

  • Add, Select and Delete Text

Explore the User Interface

  • Office Button

  • Backstage View

  • Ribbon Overview

  • Mini Toolbar

  • Status Bar

  • Shortcut Key Tips

  • Contextual Tabs

Format Text and Paragraphs

  • Use the Home Ribbon to Format Font and Paragraphs

  • Format with the Mini-Toolbar

  • Font and Paragraph dialog boxes

  • Use the Quick Style Gallery

  • Use Basic Bullets and Numbering

  • Add Borders and Shading

  • Set Tabs and Use the Ruler


  • Using Cut, Copy, Paste

  • Use the Office Clipboard

  • Undo/Redo

  • Find, Replace and Go To

  • Use the Format Painter

  • Check Spelling and Grammar

Printing and Viewing Your Document

  • Use the View Ribbon Commands

  • Show/Hide Markings

  • Use the Page Set-Up Group and Dialog Box

  • Print Preview and Print Options

  • Print Panel


  • Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

  • Show/Hide the Ribbon

This manual assumes the user understands the basics of using a Windows-based computer. Students should be comfortable using the keyboard, mouse, and Start menu. No previous experience with other versions of Microsoft Word is necessary.

Awareness and accomplished attendance
This course is intended to help all novice computer users get up to speed quickly and, will also help more experienced users who have little to no experience with Microsoft Word in general.